Title: The Wife’s Story
Author: Ursula K. Le Guin
Genre: Short Story
Setting: Hill, Woods, Forest, House.
Point of view: First Person
Main Characters: Husband, Wife, Sister, Child.
Theme: A wolf turns into a man
Literary Device: Foreshadowing, Situational Irony
Mood/Sad: Suspenseful, Suspicions, Sentimental
The story is about a wolf family. The family is happiness, something bad thing happened to them. The wife has good relationship with her family. She loves her husband very much. He is also a good husband and father. In full moon the husband turns into a man. The husband is evil and dangerous because he is a part man. The wife responds with shock and dismay to her husband’s transformation Mainly because it means he has become the enemy. At the end the sister kills the husband.