About the Raven
"The Raven" which is by Edgar Allen Poe. It talks about a mystery that happened on a dark December night. A man was sad and sorrowful for his girlfriend, Lenore. While he was reading old books to escape the grief, a rapping bothered him. He opened the door, but nothing appeared in the darkness. Again, he heard another tapping on his chamber door. This time, he saw a raven sit on the head of a statue over the door. The man asked its name, the raven said only one word, "nevermore". He didn't understand what it meant, so he wanted the raven to leave, but the raven refused.
Edgar Allan Poe was using a lot poetic devices in the poem, such as assonance, rhyme scheme, alliteration, and repetition. An example of assonance in the poem is "the rare and radiant maiden whom the angle name Lenore". In the sentence, a vowel sound "a" was repeated. You could also easily find the rhyme scheme in each stanza. For the first stanza, we have "dreary, weary, lore, tapping, door, door, more". These are the last words of each line, and we can label each different rhyme with a different letter. "Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before", now you can guess what literary device is it. Yes, here, the poet used alliteration, the first letter "d" was repeated. Repetition is the most important one. Every stanza in the poem ended with the word "more". Remember the mood of this poem is melancholy, and the word "nevermore" helped him to express this mood. So the poem emphasizes this word.
This is a wonderful poem, I like it very much. The ancient writing mad it more special than I've ever read. The literary devices made it easier for the reader to remember. Even though when you first read this poem, you don't understand the meaning. Those rhymes made the poem like a song, so the reader got a deep impression from it. I like the subject too. The truly love between the man and Lenore moves my heart. I felt sympathy for him. I could feel how sorrowful the man was when I read the poem, the moods let me into the poem.